Summer Learning Week

Alaska summers are packed with opportunities for adventure, wonder, and learning. Summer programs have the unique task of engaging Alaska’s youth during a critical time. To highlight the importance of summer learning, programs can engage their youth, communities, and local policy makers in National Summer Learning Week.

National Summer Learning Week, July 15-19 2024, is a time to advocate for funding and awareness for summer learning.

Why summer matters:

 Summers without quality learning opportunities put Alaska’s youth at risk for falling behind – year after year – in core subjects like math and reading. Students can lose up to two months’ worth of learning from the previous school year when their minds aren’t engaged during the summer vacation. Low-income students are especially vulnerable to summer learning loss due to lack of engagement in high-quality summer learning programs. The math and reading skills low-income students lose each summer are cumulative and contribute significantly to the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income kids. Learn more At a Glance about Why Summers Matter.


In Alaska, 31% of families say at least one child attended a summer program in 2019. However, the demand for summer programs exceeds the current rate of participation, with 50% of Alaska families reporting that they would like their children to participate. Get more information about Summer Learning Programs in Alaska from the America After 3pm Survey.

How to celebrate Summer Learning Week:


Engage the community in Summer Learning Week:

  • Host a summer learning celebration in the community.

  • Engage local policymakers on a tour of your program.

  • Host a family night with fun activities and information on community resources.

  • Start a local media campaign to raise awareness of Summer Learning Week.

New Poster for 2024 Coming Soon!

Use the resources below for ideas to engage youth in summer learning in your program during National Summer Learning Week, July 15-19, 2024, and all summer long!

Summer Learning Resources - browse by theme - New Themes for 2024 Coming Soon!



To create great awareness of the importance of summer learning, the Alaska Afterschool Network has launched the #AKSummerLearning social media campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter#AKSummerLearning encourages Alaska programs and families to keep their children active and learning during summer vacation to prevent summer learning loss. Posts and tweets will provide programs and families with a summer worth of tips, ideas, and activities to keep kids learning.